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Batman Verses Superman Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXBV001)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
This 3D animated picture is a piece of art. It features Batman, Dark Knight and Superman, Man of Steel.
Justice League Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXJL002)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
This 3D animated picture features all your favorite action hero's! Batman, Superman Flash and the Green Hornet
Supergirl Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXSPRGRL001)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
This 3D animated picture features Supergirl flying above the town creating a sonic boom.
Supergirl Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXSPRGRL002)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
This 3D animated picture features Supergirl up in the sky flying above the town.
Superman Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXSPR001)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
This 3D animated picture features Superman, the man of steel breaking up a few asteroids.
Superman Picture with 3D Animation (NT3DXSPR003)

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).

Size is 23x30cm (Approx. 9x12 in).
Up in the sky! Is it a bird? is it a plane? It's Superman featured in a 3D animated picture!
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